Request Custom Device Case

Request Custom Device Case
Fill out and submit this form to request a custom device case. We will respond to you as soon as we can with your specific color choices. Thank you!

Contact Information

Case Measurements

e.g. iPhone 5s, ZTE Majesty Pro, iPad 2nd Generation

Case Options

We will give you your color options based upon the colors you indicate.
We do not have many variegated yarns available, but we will see what we have based on your color requests and present you with your options.
We will give you your color options based upon the colors you indicate.

Case Addons

Each flower is about 2" across, so depending on the size of your case only a certain number of flowers may be able to fit. We will inform you if we cannot fit all the flowers you request onto your case.
Each flower is about 2" across, so depending on the size of your case only a certain number of flowers may be able to fit. We will inform you if we cannot fit all the flowers you request onto your case.
Depending on the size of your case only a certain number of hearts may be able to fit. We will inform you if we cannot fit all the hearts you request onto your case.
Depending on the size of your case only a certain number of hearts may be able to fit. We will inform you if we cannot fit all the hearts you request onto your case.
We will give you your color options based upon the colors you indicate.

Additional Order Info

Shipping address:
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